Saturday, September 17, 2005

How you develop your own leadership quality?

Most of the time we would have heard that leaders are born, not made.

Do you think its true?
Think! How many times we have read a biography of a great leader, and discovered that as a child, he has been quiet, reserved and rather shy?

Are those natural qualities of a leader?
Of course not! These people have developed their leadership qualities later in life.
Would you like to be a leader? Here are some of the qualities required to be a leader, and how you can encourage yourself in the development of these qualities in you...

- the quality of having strong moral principles.
The state of being whole. This is the condition of being unified or sound in construction. Remember to be a good example.

Be a role model. .

Courage -
This is the ability to do something that frightens one. Strength in the face of pain or grief. Have the courage of one’s convictions act on one’s beliefs despite danger or disapproval. Take one’s courage in both hands.

Don’t be afraid to face challenges.

Creative, independent thinking
In order to develop this quality, it is very helpful to ask questions to yourself that encourage creative thinking. Use the "One Step Farther" principle. After you have gotten all the obvious answers, ask one more question, to come up with a deeper, more creative idea. Questions like "Why", "What would happen if...”? "How do you think did it feel...", think creatively.

Think independent.

this is one of the most important qualities required for success in general. To develop confidence in you, be sincere and recall your own strengths and achievements every day. Remember to make it a point to bring up at least one good quality of you every day. If you adopt it as a routine, over time it will do wonders for you.

Repeat the phrase "you can do it" often.

Take responsibility
When something goes wrong, sometimes it makes us feel better if we can blame something else or someone else. A leader takes responsibility. Make sure you are the "boss" in your life. Your success is your responsibility. We are not victims of our environment; we have control over our life. Try to know that it is Ok to make mistakes.
Mistakes are an opportunity to learn. Ask yourself the questions like” What did you learn from this?", "What do you think went wrong?", "Why do you think this happened?", "How could you avoid this?" and again, "What do you think would happen if...?"
You will understand that you got no control over other people, but he has full control over your own reaction.

Taking responsibilities give you 'The feeling of power’.

If you are not born as a leader, make yourself a leader now!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Creativity and innovation - Unusual !

Do u wanna be innovative?

Step1 : Think of new things or new ideas.

Step2 : Please dont do the same as what was previously known or done.

Our ability to comprehend and process frameworks increases, as we get older. Any attempt to make perceive a child will only lead to confusion and not understanding.
Creativity and innovation is directly related to this ability.

It is the underlying structure that we have developed that prevents us from “thinking out of the box.” The “box” is the particular framework or conception of world that we are using in that context. An understanding of your own framework, as well
as the many that exist, increases your ability to break free the visible signs of it.

So thinking unlike anyone else may be very difficult for the grownups. But when they succeed in these unique thoughts, they reach the level of creativity or innovative ideas.

Most of the great scholars and inventors were in to our history only because they were unusual. Creativity and innovative means being unusual.
[To elucidate: Newton thought was different from others observing falling of apples from a tree is because of the force that attracts a body towards the center of the earth .so we found the answer from his thinking – its gravity.]

So, when any critics arise on you for being different. Don’t worry you have just started exploring this world …….